Tuesday, October 28, 2008

tree top walk...

after saying for decades, we had finally gone for our tree top walk

its actually quite a distance before we reached the tree top...

this is the beginning of the walk....

the entrance to the trail............

look... mum's hand can't beat the leaf.......

that's grace.......the flower among the trees....

mum's in the march....

the walk was 7km long...
i wonder how many 7km long of nature reserve are there in Singapore.......

with technology advances, more and more natural landscapes are being scarificed........

are the green campaigns in Singapore working? well, if they are, there will be more natural greenery then concrete buildings........

while these nature reserves are still there, let us enjoy before they are gone for good......

lets enjoy them =)

is this part of the nature reserve???? haha :)

finally, we had reached the tree top walk... and here it is..........
view from the top.....

that's dad.....

singapore flyer.........

way back home...

after the walk... gosh... look how tired they are...

we were comparing who look alike the most... here are some of the photos =)
mummy & xavier

grace & daddy

xavier & daddy

grace & mummy

the 3 muskeeters =)

well, by the looks, we are definitely a family... same genes =) CONFIRMED LAH.......

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

morning ray :)

i had been cycling to work for this few days, as my usual chauffeur had gone outstationed. i would pass by a path where you would always be welcomed by the morning ray. from a certain angle, the ray was beautiful, and you would also feel the warmth wrapping around you .......... i had taken down this photo for your eye.........

(by mum.....)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


the two kids went shopping with their dad.... and boy, the daddy loves shoppings too....and they had come back with of cos, their prized items and one of them is this sheeeeep...... another soft toy..

mum doesn't like soft toy, she had been throwing away alot, and that's made the daughter complaining of throwing away all the limited edition.. but mum doesn't care, the best they are out of her sight.......

this is the dad after being made over by the two kids..... erm... somewhat look like the sheep.... ha =)